More about us
Sanctity of Human Life Commemoration: Each January, we host or participate in Sanctity of Human Life events on or around the anniversary of the dreadful Roe v Wade US Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion nation-wide. We hosted our first annual Chattanooga March for Life in 2022 and hope to make it an annual event. We have trained speakers available to do a Sanctity of Human Life presentation at your church in January, or any time of the year. Will you invite us?
Speech Contest: Each Spring, we host a regional oratory contest open to Tennessee students in grades 9-12. Learn more here.
Educational Outreach: We host educational exhibits at fairs and festivals across Greater Chattanooga providing opportunities to show people the humanity of unborn children and the necessary protection due them. If you know of a fair or festival we could exhibit at, please contact us!
Fall Event: Each Fall, we host some type of event whether it be coffee & dessert with a keynote speaker, a prayer service on the courthouse steps, or an outdoor rally . This event serves to educate, encourage and motivate people to action for the right to life cause!
Billboard Campaign: We partner with churches, community organizations, and individuals to share the pro-life message across Greater Chattanooga with beautiful billboards. These billboards give a positive public image of hope and joy at a time when our opponents would like to present the pro-life movement as hateful and judgmental. They remind Tennesseans that the unborn and their moms need our continued support and prayers. Would you help us be a beacon of hope by sponsoring a billboard? Make your tax-deductible donation denoted for billboards here.
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