Pro-Life Bridges

Come out and help with our next pro-life bridge!

July 28th from 3:30-5:30 PM


Belvoir Avenue over I-24
(Street parking near 2903 Wiley Ave - walk north on Bacon, then right on South Terrace to the bridge)

What is this anyway?  

We take to highway overpasses during rush hour with banners bearing the simple message that “Abortion takes a human life.” 

Why do we need to do this now that abortion is unavailable in Tennessee?

This message and our work is as important as ever. Women are traveling to other states to get abortions. While we are grateful for Tennessee's Human Life Protection Act that is saving 900 children from abortion every month, our legislative battle is never over. We cannot lose the pro-life ground we have gained! 

Will you join us in this life-saving outreach mission?

July 28, 2023 at 3:30pm - 5:30pm
Greater Chattanooga Right to Life · · 615.298.5433
Natasha Smith

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Natasha Smith

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  • Natasha Smith
    rsvped 2023-07-19 11:09:01 -0500